Apple Motion Lessons Chapter 6

Introduction To Motion, Text Styles, The Glyph Tool, And Animations


The goal of this assignment is to begin to get you familiar in Motion with the several features related to text including formatting styles, the glyph tool, and animations.


- Follow along with the following video tutorials…

Apple Motion Lesson 0601 Basic Text Overview

Apple Motion Lesson 0602 Transform Glyph

Apple Motion Lesson 0603 Animating Text Behaviours

… and at the end of these tutorials, create a .mov that looks AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE to the animation “", BUT CHANGE THE NAME TO YOUR NAME. The goal is to submit an .mov that has ALL THE ANIMATIONS THAT LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE EXAMPLE.

Assignment files and examples can be found here:


You should end up with a .motn file and a .mov video file. The naming convention is "adma_motn_0601_mtn_YOURUSERNAME_v1" with the proper extension (one will be .mov, the other will be .motn)

The .mov video file:

- must follow proper naming conventions

- must be 5 seconds long

- must be in the format created by the "Video Sharing Services" and "HD 720p Video Sharing"

The .motn file:

- must follow proper naming conventions

- must be your final version of work done for this project

- When saving your .motn files, MAKE SURE TO SELECT THE OPTION “COLLECT MEDIA: COPY TO FOLDER”. This will then automatically create a folder with your media, and the .motn file. When submitting your motion project, copy the ENTIRE FOLDER CREATED by Motion, which includes the folder “MEDIA” inside it, as well as the containing the .motn file. Again, copy the entire folder created by Motion so that all media necessary to view the .motn file is present.

Your Work MUST Meet All Requirements:

- Must do your best to recreate EXACTLY the same objects and animations as the example

- Make sure to change the name to YOUR NAME (NOT "RYAN")

Lesson 601

Lesson 602

Lesson 603

Apple Motion Lessons Chapter 5

Apple Motion Lessons Chapter 7