ADMA Student Produces Video Tutorials Of Basic Photo Editing In GIMP Application

Recently one of our ADMA video production students produced a short video series for beginners on how to do basic photo editing in the application “GIMP”. We thought this would be useful to share with the public.

GIMP is a free program that launched in 1998, and is excellent for editing photos. Best of all GIMP is FREE and OPEN SOURCE!

Click HERE to download GIMP Here (it's FREE):

These below GIMP video tutorials below are in Kinyarwanda:

Lesson 1 - Launching & Cropping

Lesson 2 - Brightness/Contrast

Lesson 3 - Shadows/Highlights

Lesson 4 - Saturation

Lesson 5 - Colour Correction

Lesson 6 - Exporting

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