The view on setup day, the evening before the big event. ADMA students were testing their gear.

October 11th was International Day of the Girl, with the theme "With Her: A Skilled GirlForce".
To show how Rwanda is empowering girls, ADMA's female students covered a special session in Rwanda's parliament with both video and photography production.
A bit more about the ADMA students you are seeing in these photos...
This January the Africa Digital Media Academy conducted its first “All Girls Intake,” in an effort to build capacity and encourage gender equality in the media and entertainment industries.
After an intensive three-week evaluation period, twenty girls were selected out of an original intake of 40 to undergo a fourteen-month training program acquiring skills in a range of fundamental courses including of Photography, Video Production and Storytelling for Multimedia.
This initiative is a partnership between the Imbuto Foundation and the Africa Digital Media Academy with the aim of giving more women digital literacy skills, access to equal opportunity in the media industry and the ability to tell their own stories.
…and Did You Know?
This was not the first time ADMA worked doing video production at Parliament…

All the way back in April of 2014, ADMA livestreamed the Kwibuka 20 “Kigali International Forum on Genocide” sessions.
ADMA worked alongside a member of the media team from the Office Of The President to do one of the first HD livestreams from Parliament watcheable LIVE around the world.
Included here are pictures of that setup, and the team that helped record and archive this very important event. You can watch one of the livestreams posted below.