Rwandan Defence Forces Students Begin Classes At ADMA

ADMA is pleased to announce its latest addition of students from the Rwanda Defence Forces.  On March 21, 2016 classes at ADMA began with 18 RDF students who will be learning photo and video journalism. This course will take place over the next several months and will teach students in several key areas including photography, video camera operation, video editing, & motion graphics.

On April 6, 2016, the RDF students took part in a “google hangout” with professional photographer Laura Pohl (pictured here). Laura, a former ADMA instructor and two-year resident of Rwanda, was able to participate in the class from South Korea using the technology utilized for distance learning at ADMA.  During the hangout, Laura discussed expert photography tips for students to take their skills to a higher level and even critiqued photos taken by each student which gave them valuable individual feedback.

ADMA's First Graduation

Stop Motion Workshop