Imbuto Foundation All Women's Intake Graduation

Yesterday, ADMA graduated the Imbuto All Women's Intake that completed 17 months of training in areas such as Storytelling In Multimedia, Photography Basics, Video Production, Motion Graphics, and Photoshop.

Representatives from the Imbuto Foundation and Rwanda Polytechnic were in attendance, including Dr. Valentine UWAMARIYA (Deputy Vice Chancellor in Charge of Training, Institutional, Development and Research, Rwanda Polytechnic) and Clement KABILIGI of the Imbuto Foundation.

This all women intake was a collaboration between the Imbuto Foundation, the Workforce Development Authority, Rwanda Polytechnic, and the Africa Digital Media Academy.

The video was below was made entirely by this class of all women students intake, and now graduates, of the Africa Digital Media Academy (ADMA).

It was screened at the graduation ceremony that took place June 20, 2019 at ADMA at IPRC Kigali.

Livestream of The Kigali Global Dialogue

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