Apple Motion Lessons Chapter 3

Introduction To Motion, Anchor Points, Groups, Keyframes, and combining these 3 concepts into a simple stickman animation.


The goal of this assignment is to begin to get you familiar in Motion with anchor points, groups, and keyframes.


- Follow along with the following video tutorials…

Motion Lesson 0301 Anchor Points

Motion Lesson 0302 Groups

Motion Lesson 0303 KeyFraming

Motion Lesson 0304 Combining Groups Anchor Points Keyframing Into Stickman Animation

… and at the end of these tutorials, create a .mov that either looks like the “" animation, or something else that uses AT LEAST 2 stickmen and a 3rd object.

Assignment files and examples can be found here:


You must place your .motn file and your .mov video file in the correct location. See posting in lab (or ask lab monitor) for directions.

The naming convention is "adma_motn_0301_mtn_YOURUSERNAME_v1" with the proper extension (one will be .mov, the other will be .motn)

Your Work MUST Meet All Requirements:

- Must have at least 2 stickmen in it that show you understand the concepts of groups and anchor points

- MUST be animated properly so that the stickman joints move properly like a real person

Lesson 301

Lesson 302

Lesson 303

Lesson 304

Apple Motion Lessons Chapter 2

Apple Motion Lessons Chapter 3.5